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Allwebco Design Corporation

Intro Page Setup:
This script is provided free to all our template users. We do not however provide support for adding the feature to your template. This script is intended to be added to templates that do not now have an intro, or for users who wish to replace their current intro.

Search our support center for any help

STEP #1:
Put the files from this download; THE-intro.html, introBlue.swf, introBlue.mp3 and introBlue.txt into your main website folder. Put the "introBlue-picture.jpg" that is in the "picts" folder into your "picts" folder. Put the "introBlue.fla" that is in the "flash" folder into your "flash" folder.

STEP #2:
Rename your current "index.html" to "home.html".

STEP #3:
Rename the "THE-intro.html" included in this add-in to "index.html".

STEP #4:
Edit your menu.js in Notepad or a text editor so it points to "home.html" instead of index.html. This step is optional. If you do not edit the menu.js the "home" link will go to the intro instead of the home page of your template.

STEP #5:
Edit the introBlue.txt that is included with this template. Change the text after "logo=" and after "&slogan=" and all the other lines of code. Be sure not to change the "logo=" or the other code at the start of each line.

STEP #6:
You will edit 2 links to edit the page the intro links to. This will be the &url=intro-help.html in the introBlue.txt. Change this to &url=home.html. Then in the intro page find this note "BOTTOM CORNER LINK" and edit the link to "intro-help.html" for that button.

The "index.html" will now be the first page that users will see at your website. These instructions only apply if your current template has no flash intro now.


To remove the music from the intro, open your new index.html with the intro and delete the code between the "START SOUND CODE" notes.

Edit the "introBlue.js" and the "THE-intro.html" or "index.html" to change the background colors. Edit the "BODY BGCOLOR=" area for the index.html background color.

You can use any other music that you would like. Find another midi file, .wav or .mp3 and edit the sound area code in the index.html. Be sure to replace "introBlue.mp3" in 2 places in the index.html and test in IE and Firefox or Netscape.

You can use your own picture on the intro, just replace the "introBlue-picture.jpg" with your own .jpg graphic.

Search our support center for info on editing the Flash animation. You will need to use Flash MX to edit the animation.

Best of luck with your new intro and your website!